GROW Gippsland helping local businesses win work
Small and medium enterprises across Gippsland now have improved access to tailored procurement advice following the appointment of two Local Procurement Advisers through GROW Gippsland. As well as providing one-on-one support to Gippsland businesses, the Local Procurement Advisers will facilitate workshops and training sessions to build procurement capability and readiness. GROW Gippsland Program Manager, Cameron…
Read MoreCelebrating our achievements
On Tuesday 26 May, GROW Gippsland held its first Scorecard event, celebrating the achievements of the program and its 73 Compact Members. Not only did the event showcase the achievements of the GROW Gippsland project over the past 18 months, but Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing MP, announced a new digital portal to help…
Read MoreTeach your staff how to stay safe during the COVID-19 period
Teach your staff how to stay safe during the COVID-19 period GROW Gippsland disability employment partner, National Disability Services have shared these suggestions for ensuring your staff know how to stay safe at work/ working from home during the COVID-19 period: Coronavirus Action Planning This suggested checklist is a guide to inform your planning to get ready.…
Read MoreHave your say on skill development in education
Have your say on skill development in education A major review commissioned by the Andrews Labor Government has released an issues paper into Victoria’s post-secondary education and training system and is calling for feedback from students, providers, industry and community groups. The Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy review, led by former Federal Minister Jenny Macklin, is focused…
Read MoreSupport for disabled staff during the COVID-19 virus period
Support for disabled staff during the COVID-19 virus period GROW Gippsland employment partner Australian Network on Disability, (Connect 50 program) have provided the following advice for organisations during the COVID-19 virus period, for supporting staff with disabilities (keeping in mind that they can be invisible, but become more apparent during times of stress): It is vital that…
Read MoreGippsland businesses – Are you recruiting?
Gippsland businesses – Are you recruiting? If you are a Gippsland business, and you are currently recruiting (even on a short term basis, or looking to employ casual staff), Jobs Victoria, would like to hear from you. Jobs Victoria are working hard to marry up current opportunities with job seekers. Contact Colin Nicholson, Jobs Victoria, Senior…
Read MoreStatement from GROW Gippsland regarding the COVID-19 virus
Statement from GROW Gippsland regarding the COVID-19 virus GROW Gippsland is closely monitoring government guidelines in regards to the outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), in order to best advise our ongoing activities. Our main priority is the safety of our team and those around us. Essentially, it will be business as usual, but…
Read MoreGippsland businesses – Increase your visibility to buyers with support from GROW
Gippsland businesses – Increase your visibility to buyers with support from GROW With new challenges faced by businesses in Gippsland due to the COVID-19 virus, it has never been more important to be visible to buyers. In addition, new opportunities are opening up to Gippsland businesses through publicly and privately funded major infrastructure projects, and…
Read MoreStartup Gippsland, open for applications in 2020
Startup Gippsland, open for applications in 2020 Startup Gippsland is very excited to announce that the Startup Gippsland Program… is open for Applications!!! Startup Gippsland has formally opened applications for its 2020 Incubator program on Monday 24th of February. Startup Gippsland is back, bigger and better in 2020 with there being 3 different programs to support entrepreneurs:…
Read MoreIndigenous Languages and Arts program
Indigenous Languages and Arts program The Indigenous Languages and Arts (ILA) program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to express, preserve and maintain their cultures through languages and arts activities around Australia. Funding application period: February 24, 2020 09:00 AEDT to April 06, 2020 23:30 AEST To apply for funding through the Indigenous Languages and Arts program,…
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