Have your say on skill development in education

Have your say on skill development in education

A major review commissioned by the Andrews Labor Government has released an issues paper into Victoria’s post-secondary education and training system and is calling for feedback from students, providers, industry and community groups.

The Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy review, led by former Federal Minister Jenny Macklin, is focused on designing a system that meets the needs of industry, government and students now and in the future.

The Labor Government’s major investments in roads and public transport, education, family violence prevention, disability and aged care will create thousands of jobs over the next decade.

The review will help ensure the post-secondary education and training sectors are ready and capable of delivering the skilled workforce needed.

The review will seek feedback on issues ranging from course costs and quality, to the work-readiness of graduates and broader economic considerations, including the rapidly changing workforce.

Students, providers, industry, unions and researchers can have their say about what they expect from post-secondary education through Engage Victoria, until 5 June.

The review is available at engage.vic.gov.au/skillsforvictoria. A final report will be completed in October.