Igniting engagement in young people

The Broadening Horizons program aims to ignite the passion and engagement of young people in Gippsland by providing a stronger link between the world of work and the curriculum, connecting students with industry experts and providing hands on experience to solve ‘real-world problems’.

Supported by the Latrobe Valley Authority, the learning model provides students with exposure to industries right across Gippsland helping them to understand that they don’t necessarily have to leave the Gippsland region to find employment opportunities. The linking between workplace and curriculum provides young people with an understanding and appreciation of the pathways available to them after school and highlights exciting industries they could pursue.

13 schools, spanning from Orbost to Drouin, are partnered with 20 industry partners including the local councils and members from the food, environment and education sectors. Governed by a Learning Model, the students are taken through 4 stages to ensure they get the most out of the program.

  1. Understand: creating and sharing an understanding of the problem they will solve, who the students are solving it for, what solutions may already be out there and what might be possible for them during the program.
  2. Design: generating ideas, developing and designing prototypes of solutions to the problem.
  3. Deliver: test and refine prototypes, develop the prototype into a launch ready product/service.
  4. Evolve: ensure all learning is captured and opportunities for improvements are identified.

The education program has been running in high schools until recently, with the program being trialed by Grey Street Primary School in Traralgon who partnered with Latrobe City Council, an exciting step forward.

The Broadening Horizons program is the first of its kind, with a recent partnership with ArcBlue Consulting and the GROW Gippsland program, the collaboration will look to further expand on the current program, seeking new opportunities beyond the region to embed the practice in school curriculum across the State.

Want to know more? Follow Broadening Horizons on LinkedIn or contact Rebecca Ottery, Program Manager on


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