Ladder helps young people build on their strengths
Business name:
Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley
What is your place of business?
19-21 Church St, Morwell
Why did you choose to be a part of GROW Gippsland?
The Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program helps young people build on their strengths and explore different jobs and industries. Throughout this six-week intensive program, young people learn about how to get the best out of themselves and secure a job that they aspire to. As GROW is a collaborative local approach to economic development and jobs growth, there are clear synergies with the Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program.
What are you doing to support local business?
The Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program works closely with local businesses in a variety of ways, including:
- Ladder program participants visiting local businesses for tours of premises and hearing from staff about career journeys
- Inviting local businesses to visit the program and speak to young people about local opportunities in the local community
- Supporting local businesses that host a Ladder program participant for a job taster
- Where possible, supporting the local economy and businesses (e.g. printing Step Up Latrobe Valley program materials locally)
Why do you think it’s important to employ locally?
In order to make a positive social impact in a local community, Ladder believes it is vital to employ locally where possible. For young people, it’s important for them to be aware of local employment opportunities and Ladder provides the necessary assistance and support to explore these opportunities.
Tell us about a time that you were proud to be a part of your business/organisation:
Ladder is proud of the achievements of the young people who have participated in the Step Up program. Some program highlights include:
- 91 young people have participated in the program
- 84% of young people are engaged in education, training and employment post program
- 105 employment experiences undertaken by young people
- 121 jobs applied for by participants
- 52 young people employed post program
Meaningful partnerships have been a key factor in the program’s success. Ladder believes strongly in working together with the local community to achieve positive outcomes for young people. We are very grateful to for all the local support the program has received to date and Ladder looks forward to continuing to support young people to achieve their education, training and employment goals into the future.
Link to website:
Contact details: Fiona Doultree, Regional Manager
P: 0438 254 781