Gippsland Procurement Power Initiative (GiPPi)
Harnessing the renewable energy transition to transform social and economic outcomes in Gippsland
Helping local businesses
Generating opportunities for skill development aligned to local business and industry needs
Have your say on skill development in education
Have your say on skill development in education A major review commissioned by the Andrews Labor Government has released an issues paper into Victoria’s post-secondary education and training system and is calling for feedback from students, providers, industry and community groups. The Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy review, led by former Federal Minister Jenny Macklin, is focused…Read More »

Gippsland businesses – Are you recruiting?
Gippsland businesses – Are you recruiting? If you are a Gippsland business, and you are currently recruiting (even on a short term basis, or looking to employ casual staff), Jobs Victoria, would like to hear from you. Jobs Victoria are working hard to marry up current opportunities with job seekers. Contact Colin Nicholson, Jobs Victoria, Senior…Read More »
Indigenous Languages and Arts program
Indigenous Languages and Arts program The Indigenous Languages and Arts (ILA) program supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to express, preserve and maintain their cultures through languages and arts activities around Australia. Funding application period: February 24, 2020 09:00 AEDT to April 06, 2020 23:30 AEST To apply for funding through the Indigenous Languages and Arts program,…Read More »