Gippsland Line Upgrade
Supporting local jobs by buying local
Rail Projects Victoria are working with the GROW Gippsland to maximise the impact of the $600 million Gippsland Line Upgrade project on local businesses, and supporting the use of local skills and inclusive employment.
The first of the contracts as part of the Upgrade – for the cadastral surveying for the Avon River Bridge project, has been awarded to OnePlan Land Development Group based in Bairnsdale. Construction of the bridge is expected to commence in late 2019.

Latrobe Regional Hospital
Using local purchasing to create jobs for people with a disability
As participants in the GROW program and a major purchaser in the Gippsland region, Latrobe Regional Hospital reviewed their purchase of goods and services to identify areas where they can have greater influence on benefiting local people, particularly those who experience barriers to employment.
As a result the Hospital has now contracted Latrobe Valley Enterprises, a Morwell-based not-for-profit providing employment opportunities for people with a disability, to provide their land care maintenance.

Central Gippsland Health Service
Supporting Aboriginal employment through healthcare traineeships
Central Gippsland Health Service is dedicated to Aboriginal employment, work which is guided by their Aboriginal Employment Plan.
The Service has run a traineeship program since 2013 which introduces Aboriginal employees to a career in public health. As part of this work, the Service has also developed strong relationships with the Aboriginal community through the local cooperative Ramahyuck.

Latrobe Valley Bus Lines
Creating jobs and regional growth
Latrobe Valley Bus Lines provide public transport services across Latrobe Valley and Gippsland from Trafalgar to Sale, and prides themselves as being a leading company for employment and growth in the region.
The company sees the GROW Gippsland program as a great opportunity to identify strengths and opportunities for growth in Gippsland.