Support for disabled staff during the COVID-19 virus period
Support for disabled staff during the COVID-19 virus period
GROW Gippsland employment partner Australian Network on Disability, (Connect 50 program) have provided the following advice for organisations during the COVID-19 virus period, for supporting staff with disabilities (keeping in mind that they can be invisible, but become more apparent during times of stress):
It is vital that now more than ever our focus is on ensuring people with disability are not being left behind as we make decisions about how our organisations will change to cope with COVID-19. It is important that in addition to the support being offered to the general workforce, people with disability receive updates in their preferred method of communication, adjustments that allow them to participate and be included, and a strong support network / resources that help them maintain good mental health.
Here are some practical tips we’ve heard from some members:
⦁ Deliver equipment to employees working from home to make sure they have their workplace adjustments
⦁ Consider ‘peer support’ buddying so individuals can have ‘social isolation wellbeing checks’
⦁ Ask your employee network on disability how they can keep connected
⦁ Consider people’s personal circumstances and whether they may need additional support – people who live alone, or those with kids home from school as well as many other circumstances will impact
⦁ When introducing new ICT collaborative platforms – consider accessibility and online training resources
⦁ Expect that many people will be experiencing increased anxiety and need more time and reassurance