The DocShop supports local work experience programs and employs people from diverse backgrounds
Business name: The DocShop (Vic) Pty Ltd
What is your place of business?
Traralgon, Dandenong South and Ballarat

Why did you choose to be a part of GROW Gippsland?
To collaborate with and support all Gippsland businesses, aiming to increase employment and revenue across Gippsland.
What are you doing to support local business?
The DocShop supports other Gippsland business by purchasing goods and obtaining services locally. We also employ and support staff locally.
The DocShop also supports local communities and business groups by providing annual sponsorship to programs such as:
- The DocShop Dream Award – Year 7-11 across 13 Secondary schools in total 78 Monetary awards
- Dare to Develop a Diamond – Netball Program (via Gippsland Regional Sports Academy)
- The Traralgon Swimming Club
- Mid Gippsland Football league
- Lions Club events
- Relay for Life (Cancer Council Victoria)
Why do you think it’s important to employ locally?
Employing locally assists with economic growth, benefiting others across Gippsland. This provides security and stability contributing to a local circular economy, increasing the wealth of all people employed.
The DocShop supports local work experience programs and employs people from a wide range of diverse backgrounds.
Optional question:
Tell us about a time that you were proud to be a part of your business/organisation:
It’s fantastic to hear the ongoing positive customer service feedback received from DocShop clients. Supporting local business over the last 15 years has provided a great sense of pride and achievement for the DocShop.
Link to website:
Contact details:
Giselle Scorse
P: 0434 609 074